Martin Parr.... I don't know how I really feel about this guy's work... but I've been looking through it for over a half hour now. He's basically poking fun at everyone and everything. Like rich people, world tourists and Americans, which I find amusing (he's British). But also many other countries and cultures I'm unfamiliar with so miss the point he's making. From what I've seen and the bios I've read, it seems like his goal is to put a mirror in front of people and show us how we actually look in reality. He does this with candid photos, up close and in peoples faces. Often he juxtaposes people with animals, or some other object, making comparisons. Some people pose for him, some people seem angry with him, and some are seemingly oblivious to him. I like this. It's disturbing. It's unattractive. It's vile. But at the same time.... maybe this guy is just an asshole. What makes him better than someone on Instagram who takes an unflattering picture of dirt poor, obese mother, at the pharmacy at 2AM buying cough medicine in her stained sweatpants for her sick kid, completely out of context with the hash-tags #thingsyoufindatwalmart? He's just doing this on a global scale getting acclaim for it. Maybe he has some astonishingly poignant message he's making with his avant-garde, colorful style, or maybe he's just a clever dick. I could be ignorant. Maybe I'm just missing every point he's trying to make..... I don't think I like his work.
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